Thursday 4 October 2012

Thursday 4th October

Not written anything for ages on this but i think im going to use it as a diary to look back on to see how my thinking changes on things over the weeks and years.

Whats happened since last time... been very busy at work its going really well i think the key to things is sticking at things and having the right people around you.

Im very lucky i have the most amazing wife and children and they make me pinch myself every day on how lucky i am.

My eldest son has started school and he loves it! My youngest son Will what a character ive been up since 4am with him today and he is safely tucked in nursery.

Since my Mum died in April nothing much has happened really my family are terrible at dealing with things and talking.

My sister is now in the USA she sent me a message and some pictures last night she is Nashville looks like she is having a great time.In a way i wish she would have stuck at her job in London and i cant help feeling she is running away from her problems here-but can i blame her...if i was 26 with no real commitments what would i have done?? She deserves her time out there she has had a very bad year.

I'm not talking to my brothers and i dont think i ever will again.My wife says im very condemning i suppose i can be but there are some things in life you just cant move on from.Them not telling me about spreading my Mum's ashes jesus some people.My anger has subsided now but i cant forgive them i know i should try and forgive and forget we have all been under a lot of pressure but i cant.

The new still full of doom and gloom every where you turn its bad news economics,Syria you name it.

Ive sort of stopped watching it-the only news that makes the TV is bad news.

Ive got a meeting with Neil at 12 going to have some lunch and a catch up at work looking forward to seeing him.

Also spoke to my Dad on the phone for about half an hour this morning.I can't help but feel for sorry for him he is really fretting about the house i know deep down he will never address the situation directly.
It really pisses me off about him but we cant change what our nature is can we?

No one is perfect and we all handle stressful situations differently the one thing it shows me in life and it took me 44 years of living you can advise people all you want but they very rarely listen to you!

I changed my mind on advertising with Facebook as well these last couple of weeks put some clients on and ive spent a few quid for Truck and plant and Web Management the results have been excellent!

Catch you later

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