Monday 22 June 2015

Do you read the news every day?

I always prided myself on reading the news every day so i would know what's going in the world.

I read this blog here
His blog his excellent and i like a lot of his suggestions and this one i have stuck to since i've done it i feel a lot better and get more work done.

Follow James here on Twitter

The way the world is set up today i think we are all too connected all the time e mail,Facebook,Twitter

The last few weeks i've pulled right back and stopped checking e mails all the time and logging on to Facebook and am a lot more productive because of it.It was hard at first because i work within the internet industry it just amazes me how stressed people become at companies we deal with if they think there is a problem with their e mails-it's almost like the world is coming to an end!

Most business doesn't get done over e mail!

A few years back Mark Zuckerberg was predicting that e mail use would decline you can read one of the articles here back in 2010 when they were launching messenger. A few years later i can now see where he was coming from.

Today for example i was speaking to a client in Kenya on then later on another client in Trinidad all for free across wifi the nature of business today is truly global and we have all the tools available to sell on a global basis whatever you sell.

If you had told me 10 years ago we would have clients all around the world i would have found it hard to believe. When we set up i imagined that most of our clients would be local that was how it turned out at first but not now because of technology we are selling our products and services on an international basis!

"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."- Thomas Jefferson

This is me in New York about 3 years ago

What a city!

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