Monday 7 September 2015

Social Media And Small Business

Social Networks - The Top UK Online Destination!

Is your business making the most of Facebook,Twitter and Linkedin and connecting with its potential customers?Big businesses are adept at leveraging the maximum from the social networks but not all business follow suit.

A recent study by the Internet Advertising Bureau Uk found that nearly 80% of buyers would be "More inclined to buy more often in the future because of a brand's presence on social media"

Small firms should know how to capitalise on tapping into this market.

If your budget allows it speak to us about how we can get you more "likes" and "followers on the sociial networks and how you can use it to drive traffic to your website and collect contacts fro your mailing list.

We can provide you with a great return on your investment for additional information click the link here

The good news about this sort of marketing is that a lot of it can be carried out virtually free of charge!

Here are some tips you can implement today.

1)Focus on your target market
2)Choose your social network
3)Set objectives
4)Develop a plan


Glyn Lewis
Web Management Consultants
0161 932 1117

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